mixedrealitylab has done a game for chickens etc:
Keio-NUS CUTE Center is interested in inviting staff and PhD Scholars to become members of its research team working in innovative projects. Much appreciated if the following can be circulated among possible candidates (including students looking for PhD Scholarships and internships).
Keio-NUS Connective Ubiquitous Technology for Embodiments (CUTE) Center & the Mixed Reality (MXR) Lab
Interactive and Digital Media Institute (IDMI)
National University of Singapore
The Keio-NUS CUTE Center is a joint collaboration between the Keio University, Japan and the National University of Singapore to carry out research in Feeling Communication, Global Computing and Media Telescope Asia. Mixed reality Lab has been involved in cutting edge research in the Mixed Reality arena for many years. They have joined their research expertise to launch an ambitious research programme in Interactive Digital Media with a vision to “Engage all senses in a creating centric approach to make Inventions that will engage millions of children and families”. Results of our research projects have won international awards, have been published in prestigious international journals, presented and demonstrated at top-level global conferences and featured in global media channels such as the Discovery channel. Visit our websites http://www.cutecenter.org and http://www.mixedrealitylab.org to see more of our innovative work and learn how it has contributed to the developments in the interactive world.
The Center is launching several new research projects with the aim of producing next generation technologies for human communication using all human senses, especially targeted towards children and family communication. Some of our recent projects are investigating Smell and Taste Communication, Touch Communication, Kitchen Media, Food Media, Lovotics, paper interfaces and novel approaches to Social Networking, We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated research staff, PhD scholars and student interns to join our team of researchers.
PhD Scholarships and Internships
PhD Scholarships are available for students with a first class or a second upper degree in fields of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science/Engineering, Information Technology or closely related fields. Applicants for PhD Scholarships have to undergo the NUS selection process and once selected will be funded through CUTE Center scholarships.
Short-term M.Sc. and undergraduate internships for students following study programs in similar areas are available for deserving candidates.
If you require further details send your query to contact@cutecenter.org.
Please submit your application together with a recent CV to:
Research Staff Positions: jobs@cutecenter.org or jobs@mixedrealitylab.org
PhD Scholarships and Internships: scholars@cutecenter.org
Keio-NUS CUTE Center, Interactive Digital and Media Institute,
Level 02-02, No. 21, Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119 613
Phone: + 65 6516 5951, + 65 6516 7514
www.cutecenter.org www.mixedrealitylab.org
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Fed square
have you thought about doing your project at Fed Square?
That might get you into the paper!
See what did these guys do, the next couple of thursday nights at fedsquare, it's a no-exertion game:
If you want to do something at fedsquare please let me know and I'll see who I can get you in contact with.
That might get you into the paper!
See what did these guys do, the next couple of thursday nights at fedsquare, it's a no-exertion game:
If you want to do something at fedsquare please let me know and I'll see who I can get you in contact with.
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