Thursday, March 4, 2010

Groups (6 or 7)

These are for the presentations (numbering same as in schedule)

1: J. Howard, J. Teo, Patrick, S. Stevenson, Junki W, Chris R, Adam W
2: Cynthia S, Manolya B, Luke S, Julianne T, Lauren R, Deane M, Samuek B
3: Justin, Chester, Simon, Miya/Kamila, Ann, Jack C, Josh T
4: Nick S, Michael M, Kane W, Chris B, Amy H, Hugh G, Francisco C
5: Georgina M, Stephanie W, Nicholas H, William M, Matthew M, Sarah C, Joseph W,Candice G
6: Nick M, Timothy D, Stephen L, Timothy Pye, Belinda P, Amy J, Luke B
7: E. Tigani, A.C. De Mel, T.R.Jeffs, A.Capretta, J. Williams, R.Mayes, A.Bullivant
8: N. Sanders, A. Cappaletti, C. Brown, Momo, J. Garner, A. Johnsen, A. Wignall
9: D. Bickerdike, Sev. Ali, Hong Jie Dai, Daniel B, Christian D., Steph B
10: Jeff B, Yuan Liu Z, Dara A, Stephanie Y, Fandi W, Ziyi G, Tristan P
11: TeRRy IP, Alex, DK, Peter, Sam, Tim


  1. Group 1's blog is at:

  2. Apparently there was a mix-up with my student number, I was in "Group" 6 (Nick Merrett - s3285419) with the Tims, Stephen, Amy, Luke and Belinda

  3. You need your own blog only for your 'game' teams, not for the presentations groups!

  4. Group 4 - Michael Minuzza is meant to be "Michael Minuzzo".
