Thursday, March 4, 2010

Teams (5)

These are for the games you will develop:

A: Matthew M, Joseph W, Georgina M, Stephanie W, Sarah C
B: J. Williams, Rhyl M, A. Bullivant, C.Brown, Momo
C: Awesom-o:  Lauren R, Luke S, Jack, Rick G, Josh T
D: Kane W, Amber C, Alex W, Christian D, Dean B
E: Team Venture Go!:  Jeff B, Tim P, Miya (kamila), Stephen L, Tristan P

F: Belinda P, Amy J, Tim Jeffs, Dee, Nick M
G: Sev A, Francisco C (Paco), Daniel B, Luke B, Nick H
H: Nick Se, Nick Sa, Candy, Mikey, Estelle
I: Tim D, Will M, Cynthias S, Manolya B, Stephanie B, Julianne T
J: Dara A, Stephanie Y, Fandi W, Zigi G, Yuanliu Z

K: Amy H, Christopher B., AC D, Analisa C, Hugh G
L: James H, Sam B, Adam W, Justin T, Hong Jie D
M: Chris R., Alexander J, Jayden G, Junki W, Shaun S
N: Amy H Justin?, Chester G, Ann N, Simon H, Patrick K
O: Peter J, Terry, DK, Sam Armes and Tim


  1. On Team Letter G the second name is Francisco Casares (Paco) and the student number is 3281341. ;)

  2. on team B its A.Bullivant student no 3285954 sorry my fault my handwriteing sucks :P

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Is anyone else having problems with the link "Add your game projects here" ?
    I keep getting "cannot connect to server" Is this just a problem with me or is the link broken, quick-ish replies would be nice :]

  5. Sorry for the confusion, you have to become a contributor of the blog (with your google account), and then you can edit the link list

  6. I'm thinking it's by commenting under your google account (so this is just a test).

  7. you accept the email to become an author, then you log in, and then you click on the screwdriver icon next to the link list

  8. Floyd, you have us down as Team P in the side bar but Team I here

  9. E: Team Venture Go!; All our full names are below:

    Jeffrey Borroni
    Tim Pye
    Kamila Koscialkowska (Miya)
    Stephen Leeman
    Tristan Poh
