Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Design Teams for Radical Games #2 - 2012

Below is a list of the second design teams for your radical games. You will be presenting on 23rd April.

G. Shaun S, Amanda B, Adam W http://edproject2.tumblr.com/
H. Amy H, Patrick W, Dakenum J http://the-soggy-saharan-cornflakes.blogspot.com.au/
I. Alex J, Tim D, Anushka D.M http://tri-eyedbandits.blogspot.com.au/
J. Alex T, Charlie Le http://aradicalgame.tumblr.com
K. Sarah C, Chris B, Jayden G http://theawesomedesignteam.tumblr.com/
L. Kamila K, Ahn-Tu T http://jamgaming.blogspot.com.au/

Please post below or email me your team member names and blog URL so that I can put them up on the list.


  1. hey guys
    its Chris Bedeux here i wasn't in on mondays class so i didn't get a chance to form a group, so if there are any teams willing to adopt me i will be most grateful.

    my hobbies are long walks on the beach
    gorilla wrestling
    eating flaming scorpions
    and throwing down with a kraken from time to time.

    contact me either via
    0424 160 790

    Chris Bedeux

  2. Was really impressed with the presentations on Monday, alot more engaging when you have activity's to participate in and they were surprisingly challenging too.

    My group for the next game is Patrick W and Dakenum J. our blog page is http://www.facebook.com/groups/398702190143051/398753266804610/?notif_t=group_activity
    not sure if that link will work?

    1. Hey Amy, we're glad you enjoyed the class :) Is there by any chance your team can create a blog rather than use Facebook? This is so that interested people from outside the class can have a look at it (also the Facebook Group is a closed one, and not every visitor may have Facebook). Thanks!

    2. http://the-soggy-saharan-cornflakes.blogspot.com.au/

      like amy said, everything is kinda on facebook. will work on transcribing to the blog

  3. Chis Bedeux and myself have formed a team but we do still need another person, here is out tumblr though. http://www.tumblr.com/blog/theawesomedesignteam

  4. Apologies for the delay.
    Alex J, Tim D and myself have formed a group and the URL is tri-eyedbandits.blogspot.com.au

  5. http://aradicalgame.tumblr.com

    Alex T, Charlie Le

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